Hello. This is Noel and I'm the creator of "Another Flavour." If you haven't noticed, this page has not been updated since December 1997. You see, I started this page when I was in college and had loads of time to kill and free internet access. Now I've graduated (or should I say "dropped out") and I never get a chance to work on this. There's not really much to look at amongst these pages but hopefully you'll enjoy this little story or maybe find a link to a much greater site... Thanks for visiting though.
The Sundays Plan Art Terrorism
Since their controversial outburst during a radio interview, The Sundays are now to follow 2K into the world of art terrorism.
"We're tired of just playing gigs and recording LP's," said Harriet on Surrey's regional news show, Surrey's Regional News Show. "We want to subvert the medium, make a statement and redefine what our roles as musicians are."
The Sundays have already staged some 'events' in and around the Surrey area, which have stunned the Surrey art community with their audacity and imagination.
Local art critic Brian Surrey explains: "First, The Sundays took their weekly pocket money - just over £2, and tried to set light to it, whilst a reporter from Surrey's Local Newspaper filmed the event on his mum's Super-8. The coins failed to burn, but this didn't deter the band, who threw them in the dustbin and walked away. Of course, Harriet went back and fished them out, but it was the statement that was important. The Sundays are saying, 'Do we need pocket money? What is pocket money? Is their a place for pocket money in the new millenium?' Frankly, it was an audacious and powerful experience."
Then, The Sundays shocked Surrey with a piece of graffiti on the wall of Surrey's town hall. As the residents of Surrey emerged, blinking in the light of a November morning, they were stunned to see the words 'Fiddlesticks To The Millenium' written in HB pencil on the wall.
"I couldn't believe it," says councillor Ken Surrey. "There it was, bold and brass, in letters up to half a centimetre high. Even people standing over a foot away could see this profanity."
But it was The Sundays' live concert, lasting exactly 45 minutes (not including encores and interval for coffee and biscuits) that was to cause the most controversy and confusion amongst Surrey's 'in crowd'.
"It looked like a normal Sundays gig," says Brian Surrey, who was lucky enough to attend the concert at the Surrey British Legion. "But there was one crucial, mind-boggling change. Harriet was wearing a hat. I can't tell you the effect this had on the audience. Some were shouting and screaming for her to take it off, others, like voyeurs, simply stared, and some were yelling encouragement. Harriet never wears a hat on a Thursday, but yet, she had broken all tradition and re-invented herself. The effect was a cause, the cause an effect. The Sundays are saying, 'What is a hat? Should we wear hats? Or should hats wear us?' I can tell you, people haven't stopped talking about that. Or the new carpet in the Post Office, obviously."
From Thrills! New Formula (NME - November 22 1997)